Sitting alone and talking with self Mr. Ross coming across many old faded memories. He was thinking how the hotshot crew from Big Bear destroys the long night battling ground into a smoky ridge. It’s all about the story of a fast spread blaze, which burned hot and just would not die from the memory.

He is an old man, dripped with sweat. Hardly is his uttering word with fatigue and concern. The fire was about to come and it was just a few miles of distance from their place.

Wildfires in California

The areas are burned a lot and this time they need to do something to make it proper. The firefighters are planning standing near the place along a canyon of smoke and flame.

The places were really very bad for last few years. Even life is not possible to grow here. The man added. It really needs attention.

On that day in the month of June a Lake Fire started just before 4 p.m. Further the weather condition, which was warm and hot, consumed the national forest roughly as the whole of the size of San Francisco. It might save something if anyway there will be a heavy rain, snowfall or a winter at least. But Gods wish..Soon the soil turned to a land of drought.

Yes on that season that was the first biggest wildfire which turned the face of the California. It was not less than threaten to become a terror. Thus California fire officials have responded more wildfires between the months of January to July. No one has experienced such a wildfire over the last five years.

Soon there were blazes all across the west; however the mountain ranges are the central places from where the wildfires are originated. Now the firefighters are trying to discover it as detected through satellite.

If you see to the jungles just outside San Bernardino, you can clearly see the drought’s impact on that. The green forest just turned into just like an Iraqi desert. Now you will not able to see single moist vegetation on the location. The place is now full of dry and light woods in place of evergreen shrub. The lake is standing without a fish and bird nearby. No tree and no greenery.  It was all due to lack of rain for which the Big Bear Lake turned into empty meadows.